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CD Review! - NACWPI Journal

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

The first CD review of Room to Breathe has been published in a journal! The National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors published a WONDERFUL review of this project by Dr. Kristina Nelson (instructor of bassoon at the University of West Florida and the University of South Alabama) in their 2023 Spring Journal. Read the full review below, or browse some of my favorite quotes here!

"Swift and Hu's collaboration is exceptional"

"Swift sings this song of mourning with that level of emotional gravity, in what Schubring describes as 'a song from the heart, expressing internal grief that grows into an outcry.'”

"[Mother Time, Father Nature] ends with an effortless treble E-flat gorgeously tapered into silence - a herculean task on bassoon!"

"Indigo Bunting stretches the technical capabilities of the bassoon the most, displaying the fearlessness of Swift and Balliet’s collaboration to push the boundaries of technical possibilities."

"Room to Breathe is an achievement of monumental effort and should serve as an inspiration not just for bassoonists but for all musicians aiming to further their craft."

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