Thank you to those of you who joined me for the SECOND recital of my DMA at Stony Brook University! This performance featured the works of Alyssa Morris, Sofia Gubaidulina, Werner Pirchner, Kent Hurd and Luboš Sluka. Links for the standalone works will be posted below in the coming days.
Sunday, June 13th, 3:00 PM - Concert Program
Alyssa Morris, Mathematics
feat. Calvin Hu, Piano
I. Geometry
II. Trigonometry
III. Integral Calculus
Sofia Gubaidulina, duo sonata für 2 fagotte
feat. Jarrett Grempel, Bassoon
Werner Pirchner, Mit FaGottes Hilfe
I. Durch die Lagen
II. Heiße Rohre - Kadenz
III. Rasch und Resch
IV. Ahorn
V. "Als ich in die Sonne schaute, glaubt' ich, das Verborgene zu sehen."
VI. Wie gepfiffen
Kent Hurd, That So Suite
I. So Cliché
II. So So
III. So Much for That
Luboš Sluka, Sonata per fagotto e pianoforte
I. Andante sostenuto